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Set Twelve Hepplewhite Carved Mahogany Dining Chairs - Inv. #10670

Set Twelve Hepplewhite Carved Mahogany Dining Chairs - Inv. #10670

Exceptionally fine and rare set of twelve Hepplewhite transitional mahogany dining chairs, with arched crest rail and flaring stiles, with pierced cutout splat in prince of wales design, with molded front legs and "H" stretchers, with slip seats. Connecticut, circa 1790-95. Two chairs assembled with set. Attributed to Richard Fosdick, New London. See Plate 99, 100, 101, pp. 83-4 New London County Furniture 1640-1840, Lyman Allyn Museum.

38" high, 21" wide, 19" deep.

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Price: $24,000.00


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